Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The climate crisis is political, not environmental

The climate crisis is political, not environmental

Jack DeBaun’s letter (Daily Bee, Aug. 11) was mostly a straw man. I never said that most climate scientists believed in global cooling or a coming ice age in the 1970s. I was talking about the climate zealots of the day. But it’s no myth that there really was a fear of climate change back then. I lived near Denver in the 1970s, and every day people talked about the “brown cloud” (air pollution) that hung over the city.

S. Fred Singer, in his book Hot Talk, Cold Science, writes, “In the early 1970s, a growing number of climate scientists…began to worry” about falling temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere. Moreover, Jack concedes that at least 10 percent of peer-reviewed scientific papers have shown that some scientists are leaning toward the idea of ​​global cooling.

Jack provided a list of what he calls credible sources that can answer our questions about climate change. However, Jack has repeatedly stated that science proves nothing. Well, if that’s true, then how can these sources be credible? How can they answer questions with any degree of honesty? And if science proves nothing, then it certainly doesn’t prove that we’re experiencing a climate crisis.

Some people, especially liberal-minded people, view almost anything that does not fit into their pre-existing beliefs or worldviews as a crisis.

But if we have a crisis, it is a political crisis.



By meerna

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